Parent Resources
Preparing Your Child for College
If you want your child to explore college options, it is never too early. Continue to talk to your child about college plans every year, keep an eye on your child’s study habits and grades, encourage your child to take the AP test, challenging classes, and most importantly STAY INVOLVED. No matter what you may think, your involvement in your child’s high school career can change what they may think about school.
Earn College Credit in High School
It's never too early to start talking to your child about their college options and how they can get ahead while still being in high school.
Advanced Placement
Students who take Advanced Placement courses and earn certain scores on corresponding tests can earn college credit.
For example, a student who scores a 3 on his or her AP Biology test earns six college credits and is exempt from having to take Biology 1333 & 1334 or Biology 1441.
International Baccalaureate
IB students take classes that emphasize international-mindedness, encouraging students to develop their own cultural and national identity while building skills to live and work with others in a global society.
Students who complete the full diploma programme will earn 24 college credit hours. The program is only offered at IB schools to students in 11th and 12th grade.
Dual Credit
Students may earn both high school and college credits simultaneously, guaranteeing college credit upon successful completion while minimizing duplication of courses in high school and college.
Schools offer various opportunities for dual credit courses – academic dual credit from TCC, academic dual credit from UTA and technical dual credit from TCC.
Early College High School
An Early College High School provides students with an opportunity to graduate with a high school diploma and up to 60 hours of college credit or associate degree.

Raise.Me is a great tool to help your student with micro-scholarships, which is a scholarship fund that accumulates with good grades and extracurricular activities.

College Board
College Board has other resources besides SAT information. We encourage you to take a look around the scholarship section.

Scholarships are available as early as middle school so please search at the beginning of every school year.

Parent Toolkits
How to Let Go
This advice article from parent toolkit talks you through how you can help your child throughout college without overwhelming them with love.
Guide to College
College has changed a great deal over the years so here is a guide to help you understand what your child has chosen to pursue after high school from going to college to joining the military.
Teaching Your Teen to Budget
The first year of college can be rough, and students tend to overspend on things that they do not need. This article helps you teach your child the fundamentals of money management.
Other Resources
AIE has a number of great items that will help both you and your child.
Help Your Child Get the Most Out of High School
No matter what year of high school your child is in, these tips will help him or her retain all the information that they learn and create new study habits.
Career Cluster
If your student is having trouble picking a major or is having problems finding out what they should do in life, have them do this assessment. It creates a list of careers that they can pick from based on their strengths in school and personality.
Middle School Parent Action Plan
Middle school is important because your child is laying their foundation and forming study habits. Developing skills now will make it easier for your child to one day transition from high school to college later.
Middle School Early College Talk
It’s never too early to start thinking about college. This tool will assist in talking to your child about college and help foster a college-going culture.
Parent Tips
Sign up for your school's newsletter to be informed of college fairs, FAFSA Nights and other events relating to college.
When you and your child are talking to a college representative at a college fair, be sure to let your child do the talking and just listen.
Take your child to visit colleges when classes are in session; high schools give the students a certain amount of college visit days that count as excused absences.
Your employer may offer scholarships for your child so be sure to ask.
Stay involved by talking to your child about college plans every year, keeping an eye on your child’s study habits and grades, and encouraging your child to take challenging classes.
Contact your local GO Center with any questions.