Who is

inspirED was established in 2014 by Higher Education Servicing Corporation (HESC), a private, nonprofit student loan servicing agency that has worked persistently over the past 40+ years to ensure that students across Texas have access to higher education by providing federal and private education loans, scholarship funds and outreach services and programs.
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inspirED is here to help you prepare for the college and career that’s right
for you.
Check out our online resource or visit your GO Center today.
Parent Resources
We know how overwhelming college can be for both students and parents. inspirED put together a small list of tips and tricks to help you and your student(s) make the transition from high school to college easier. No matter what you may think, your involvement in your child’s high school career can change what they may think about school.
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Financial Literacy
Start your financial education today! inspirED has partnered with iGrad to bring you information and planning tools for managing your money, paying for school and more.
StartCollege Checklist
Set yourself up for success by planning for your future. Visit our checklists that break down what needs to be done throughout each grade level.
Check out ways to get college credit during high school. This is the time to start challenging yourself. Start researching about college and what your next step after high school could be.
Continue to research colleges and see what different career paths are available. Start preparing for standardized testing like the SAT and ACT.
Visit colleges and narrow your choices. Complete your standardized testing. Start the admissions process and look for scholarships for juniors.
Take the SAT or ACT and start applying for college and financial aid. Double check with the college that you choose that all documents are there and you're good to register for your classes.